Sunday 28 September 2008

Weather report

Today (despite what it says above) is the first day of October, and summer's still in full swing. It was, according to internet weather sources, 25°C today, and I just walked to the shops in shorts and flip flops. Still, there are signs that winter's on its way.

According to the same source, last Tuesday it was 30°C. The next day, it had dropped ten degrees. Autumn, it seemed, had arrived literally overnight. The first morning of the mysterious dip in temperature was a bit weird: for the first time in three months I was actually a little tiny bit cold. I soon realised, however, that I was merely experiencing what are normal British summertime conditions. Koreans, meanwhile, were wrapping up like a blizzard was coming. While a good number of jumpers, coats and even scarves were dusted off here in Korea, a quick glance at the crowd at the Premier League game on TV on Saturday and not a long sleeve in sight. I checked the temperature in Liverpool and yep, at 21 degrees it was the same as here.

I'd been enjoying the breeze and finally relenting humidity, but the last couple of days have been pretty warm. Winter's supposed to be bitter here - given the fact that the locals are layering up on balmy 21 degree afternoons, seriously, how bad can it be? (Check back here in about six weeks...)

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